Chinese English
Board of Directors

The Board of Directors comprises three executive directors, namely Ms. Shi Qi, Mr. Li Jiuhua and Mr. Gao Feng;

three non-executive directors, namely Mr. Chan Tsun Hong Philip, Mr. Han Lei and Mr. Gu Shixiang;

and four independent non-executive directors, namely Mr. Chan Siu Tat, Mr. Hu Jiangbing, Ms. Wang Lina and Mr. Zheng Changxing.

Audit Committee
Ta Yang Group established an audit committee on May 16, 2007.

The responsibilities of the audit committee include the following:

Report to the board of directors and hold regular meetings to assist the board of directors in fulfilling their responsibilities in the implementation of effective financial reporting control, internal control and risk management.

Monitor the integrity of the company's financial statements, annual reports and accounts, and semi-annual reports, and review the major financial reporting judgments contained therein.

Review financial statements, reports and accounts, internal control systems, and compliance matters, and make recommendations and reports to the board of directors on matters found in the review.

Monitor the relationship between the company and the external auditors, review the appointment letter of the auditors, and make recommendations to the board of directors on the appointment and re-appointment of external auditors.

Review and monitor the independence of external auditors and whether the audit procedures are objective and effective in accordance with applicable standards.

Review the external auditor's letter to the management and any significant questions raised by the auditor to the management, as well as the management's response.

Remuneration Committee

Ta Yang Group established a remuneration committee on May 16, 2007. Its members include no less than three directors of the company, most of whom must be independent non-executive directors of the company.

The responsibilities of the remuneration committee include the following:

To make recommendations to the board of directors on the remuneration policies of the Group's executive directors and the company's senior management;

Consider any contract terms provided to the directors and provide advice on this;

Monitor and make recommendations on the remuneration packages of executive directors and senior management.

Nomination Committee

Ta Yang Group’s Nomination Committee was established on 16th of May, 2007. 

The key objective of the committee is to ensure the Board comprises individuals with a balance of skills, experience and diversity of perspectives appropriate to the requirements of the company’s business so as to enhance Board effectiveness.

The criteria for appointment of a new director set out in the nomination policy are listed out as below:

Possessing core competencies that meet the needs of the company.

Being able to commit time and carry out duties and responsibilities.

The independence in case of an independent Non-Executive Director.

Official Account